Purple loosestrife or spiked loosestrife or purple Lythrum / Lythrum salicaria - is a perennial herbaceous plant with an erect tetrahedral stem 50–150 cm high, often growing into large but loose clumps. It is characterized by a creeping woody rhizome and purple-lilac spike-shaped inflorescences located in the axils of the bracts. The leaves of the loosestrife are lanceolate-shaped, green in summer, red in autumn.
Loosestrife grows everywhere, preferring sunny places with moist soils. Starting in July, this honey plant blooms with bright, beautiful flowers, attracting many butterflies and bees. Honey collected from loosestrife is incredibly aromatic, it has a rich amber color and a slightly tart taste. At the end of August, the fruits are already ripening, which are oblong, round boxes filled with small seeds.
Useful properties
Loosestrife contains flavonoids, polyphenol, glucosides, tannins (tannins), phenolcarboxylic acids, essential oil, and vitamins. The flowers of the plant are rich in anthocyanins, and the roots are rich in saponins. The above-ground part of the plant is usually harvested before flowering, the roots are dug up in the fall. Once a year, on Ivan Kupala, at dawn, it is allowed to prepare both at the same time.
Derbennik has antiseptic, hemostatic, restorative, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and calming effects. If you fill your pillow with the leaves and flowers of the plant, your sleep will be deep and restful.
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- Best prices on the market thanks to own production
- Only original germinating seeds