Burdock great / Arctium lappa - a species of perennial herbaceous plants from the genus Burdock of the Asteraceae family. A wonderful honey plant, bees pollinate it with pleasure, and honey obtained from burdock has a unique spicy aroma.
Burdock (burdock) is a biennial herbaceous plant from the Compositae family, with a long taproot. The stem is soft-haired, straight, ribbed, reaches 0.6 - 1.8 m in height. The leaves are large heart-shaped-ovate, petiolate. Flower baskets are almost spherical, collected at the ends of the branches in the form of corymbs. Corolla lilac-purple. Blooms in July - August.
In the first year of life, it gives a juicy root (root crop) and a rosette of leaves. In the second year, the plant blooms, forming a branched shoot 100-140 cm high. The weight of the root crop is 200-600 grams. The plant is cultivated for its roots and young leaves, which are used in cooking and as a medicine. By insisting them in olive oil, burdock oil is obtained.
Sowing is carried out directly into the ground to a depth of 1-2 cm according to the scheme 40x60 cm, in two terms: in spring - in April-May or before winter - at the end of October. Care consists in weeding and loosening. Harvesting of roots in 1 year of vegetation - September - October.
An excellent honey plant - from one hectare of thickets, bees can collect up to six hundred kilograms of honey. Burdock honey is dark olive in color, viscous, viscous and has a very strong sweet-spicy aroma.
The more bees there are on your site, the more fruitful your vegetables will be!
It usually blooms in June-August until the first autumn cold snaps, releasing a lot of transparent fragrant nectar with a light yellow or greenish tinge. Bees visit burdock flowers all day long, collecting nectar and pollen. The best nectar secretion in burdock is observed after a short and light rain, or the next day in sunny steamy weather after a drizzling lingering rain. On lilac-purple flowers, the bees collect a white patch.
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- Best prices on the market thanks to own production
- Only original germinating seeds