Calendula officinalis - is an annual plant that is appropriate in almost any place. Low-growing varieties can be used as border plants, both in monoculture and in the neighborhood with representatives of the flora, blooming blue or blue flowers, for example, ageratum or felicia. It refers to plants that help against cancer.
It is often found in rural gardens, sometimes running wild in heaps. Calendula is again popular among the people, so now it can often be found not only in gardens, but also in the fields. The plant has a height of 30-60 cm, its flowers are yellow, orange-yellow, stems and leaves are juicy and sticky. There are many varieties, for example with light or dark anthers, but they are all the same in their healing qualities. If the flowers are closed after seven o'clock in the morning, it will rain that day.
Sowing seeds into the ground - in April or October, sowing seeds for seedlings - at the end of March or early April, transplanting seedlings into the ground - in mid-May. Requires bright sunlight. The soil should be moist, nutritious and well-drained. Watering is regular, more infrequent and plentiful in the dry season. Calendula blooms from June until frost.
Calendula is a great helper for infectious jaundice as a blood purifier. Taking one or two cups of tea does wonders. Calendula has a cleansing effect, improves blood circulation and promotes wound healing.
Calendula ointment is an excellent remedy for fungal diseases of the feet. And, in particular, cases where all other means have proven useless. With this disease, you can also use a decoction of fresh calendula. If the vagina is affected by the fungus, sitz baths or washings should be done - 50 g of dry calendula or four full handfuls of fresh calendula per bath.
Calendula is the most important remedy for cancer, if the operation is no longer possible, and it is recommended to drink tea from calendula for a long time.
Fresh calendula juice is used with the greatest success even in skin cancer. Hemangioma can disappear if it is smeared with fresh calendula juice many times a day, senile and age spots also disappear. And rough malignant spots on the skin can be cured.
Calendula is taken orally as a tea for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with spasms and stomach ulcers, inflammation of the colon (colitis), dropsy, with bloody urine (hematuria).
This tea is great for viral diseases.
Calendula is an excellent remedy for the treatment of liver diseases, as it gives excellent results in the treatment of infectious jaundice. Flowers, leaves and stems are brewed with boiling water, tea is taken without sugar. With the above diseases, you can drink 3-4 cups during the day, about a tablespoon every quarter of an hour.
An excellent anthelmintic, if you brew 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers 1/4 liter of boiling water.
The juice of fresh stems removes warts and treats scabies, and if the stems are boiled, then lichen and inflammation of the glands are treated with a decoction (bathing in the decoction or wiping sore spots with it).
If you drink tea regularly, it cleanses the blood. And if they wash their eyes, then visual acuity increases.
With non-healing ulcers and tumors, with open wounds on the legs, osteomyelitis (boneworm), with ulcers in the thigh area, as well as with non-healing festering malignant wounds, washing with a mixture of decoction of calendula and horsetail, taken equally, helps - 1 tbsp. l. of this mixture to 0.5 liters of water.
Calendula flowers - 2 tsp (without top) in a cup of water - an excellent mild laxative.
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- Best prices on the market thanks to own production
- Only original germinating seeds