Garden red orache or orach, mountain spinach, French spinach, or arrach / Atriplex hortensis - one of the few plants that is completely maintenance-free. It grows on its own, matures on its own, crumbles on its own and sprouts on its own in early spring throughout the entire area.
There are a lot of vitamins and microelements in the leaves of the orache, which is very useful for a weakened body after a long winter. Yes, and in itself, the red orache is very decorative, it serves as an ornament to the summer cottage.
Due to the content of a large amount of proteins in the young shoots of the orache, it is able to compete even with animal products in terms of its nutritional value. Vitamin E, C, potassium, rutin, various mineral salts, carotene, essential oils, seventeen amino acids - all this contains orache. The beneficial properties of this plant are widely used in folk medicine. It is able to have a general strengthening effect, assist in the treatment of gout, tumors, hemorrhoids and sciatica.
A decoction of orache can be used for diseases of the mouth and gums, as a tonic. It is also able to act as a sedative, therefore it is indicated for depression and neuroses. If you are suffering from a cough or cold, orache will also help get rid of this problem. The properties of this plant contribute to the discharge of sputum and have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
Orache seeds, not subjected to heat treatment, can be used for chronic constipation and food poisoning, as a laxative or emetic. They also help to eliminate toxins from the body.
Orache leaves are able to have a disinfecting effect and relieve spasmolytic pain. If the leaf is applied to the wound, it will stop the bleeding and prevent the infection from entering the bloodstream. Also, this plant can be used to get rid of headaches and menstrual pain. Steamed orache leaves are used to treat sciatica, applying them to a sore spot.
Red orache leaves can be added to all pickles, put in borscht, where they replace beets, or simply pluck fresh leaves and put on a sandwich.
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- Best prices on the market thanks to own production
- Only original germinating seeds