Sumac staghorn / Rhus typhina
Deciduous tree with a beautiful, decorative, openwork crown, thick, fluffy, light brown shoots resembling deer antlers, up to 10 m in height (popular name - vinegar tree), with an umbrella-shaped crown. Trunk up to 20 cm in diameter with brown smooth bark. Shoots, inflorescence axes, leaf cuttings are red, velvety, densely stunted. Young branches and leaf petioles are covered with velvety hairs.
Leaves pinnately compound, 25-55 cm long, with 9-31 leaflets. Leaflets lanceolate, finely serrate, dark green above, glabrous, each leaflet 6-11 cm long. Below whitish-gray, fluffy. Foliage turns bright red in autumn.
The flowers are red-brown, collected in dense cone-shaped panicles 10-20 cm long and 4-6 cm long. Blooms in June.
The fruits are small red drupes collected in panicles. Large, dense panicles with bright fruits adorn this graceful plant all winter.
The scarlet, autumn color of the foliage, which adorns the plant for a long time, creates a colorful spot in the landscape gardening landscape, enriching its autumn color, especially against the background of dark coniferous plantings.
Withstands frosts down to minus 25C. Photophilous, drought-resistant, not picky about the soil.
Growing fluffy sumac is not difficult - it is a sun-loving plant, so it prefers direct sun. The soil is permeable, slightly moist or dry. Sumac grows well on any type of soil, and tolerates calcareous soils well. Sumac fluffy is difficult to grow on the lawn, because it grows strongly. To control this process, new shoots must be pruned regularly. Sumac fluffy can also be propagated by root shoots.
The root zone is periodically mulched. The root shoots are removed and planted in a new place or crushed and added to the compost. Branches affected by frost or broken by the wind are cut out. Fluffy sumac must be cut regularly, otherwise the branches are stretched and exposed.
Water freshly planted plants regularly throughout the year. Mature plants are watered only during dry periods.
Sumac fluffy is a fast growing, unpretentious and exotic plant. Fluffy sumac, or vinegar tree, often reaches 5 m in height without pruning. This is a deciduous tree. Sumac is grown for its colorful fall foliage when its palm-like leaves turn orange, red, or purple.
Bushes need regular trimming. The lateral branches of sumac grow spreadingly and have many shoots, like deer antlers. The leaves are pinnate (up to 50 cm long), similar to palm leaves. Green leaves in summer contrast with red-brown branches in an original way. Leaves turn orange, red and purple in autumn. Flowers at the ends of the branches appear in July.
Sumac is a bisexual plant, meaning there are male and female trees. Male flowers are quite spectacular - these are flask-shaped green inflorescences up to 20 cm long. On female plants, 15-centimeter spike-shaped collections of small scarlet fruits appear at the end of summer. Strongly dissected leaves, like those of a fern, turn dark red in autumn.
Sumac fluffy grows on any type of soil. The main condition is good water permeability of the soil. The soil may be calcareous. The plant does not tolerate only highly compacted soil. You can plant fluffy sumac in the middle of the lawn or in the front garden, just remember to trim the plant regularly, otherwise it will grow too much. In small group plantings in front of the house or as a dividing screen, sumac will bring an exotic touch to your garden.
Evergreen deciduous trees and shrubs are also suitable. Cotoneaster "Dammer" can be used as ground cover plants, it grows only up to 10 cm in height, blooms from May to June with white-pink flowers, and in August produces light red fruits.
Use fluffy sumac as a centerpiece for a low-maintenance arrangement. Coniferous trees and shrubs will be excellent partners for sumac. Plant a slow-growing juniper under the sumac, reaching 30 cm in height. Or use Pallas pine to create a tall, dark backdrop for it.
Caution, the fruits and leaves of fluffy sumac are poisonous. Touching them can cause an allergic reaction.
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