Fertilizer for improving the storage of crops «Premium» - a special fertilizer for improving the storage of vegetables and fruits contains a balanced composition of macro and microelements. Fertilizer is applied at the final stage of cultivation. All soils have a supply of nutrients, but most of them are in inaccessible form.
Due to the action of nutrients, bioprocesses in the plant are optimized, and plant energy is saved. This eliminates the lack of phosphorus in the soil, and also delays the flow of nitrogen into plants, which causes a delay in plant development and negatively affects the formation of fruits. A sufficient amount of potassium and calcium in an easily digestible form significantly improves the shelf life of fruits and vegetables during storage.
Dissolve the contents of the bag in 10 liters of water and spray the plants with this solution using a sprinkler. Feed the plants in the morning or evening, the interval between feeding is 10-12 days. Can be used with almost all pesticides.
Norm for foliar feeding: 20 grams per 10 liters per 100-150 m2.
Composition: N(nitrogen) - 3%, P₂O₅(phosphorus oxide) - 11%, K₂O(potassium oxide) - 38%, MgO(magnesium oxide) - 2%, Trace elements: B-0.01% (Boron), Cu -0.006%(Copper), Zn-0.006%(Zinc), Fe-0.06%(Iron), Mn-0.04%(Manganese), Mo-0.006%(Molybdenum), Mg-0-5.0%( Magnesium).
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- Best prices on the market thanks to own production
- Only original germinating seeds