Room tomato «Kraiova» - is an early ripe, perennial tomato variety for growing indoors. If you do not have a summer cottage or a personal plot, but there is a great desire to grow tomatoes, this can be done even in a city apartment, not only on window sills, but also on balconies and loggias. In apartments or houses, tomatoes bear fruit in December, and some mini-plantations delight with their ripe fruits when it is cold and snowy around.
Bush up to 50 cm high. Inflorescences appear in the axils of each leaf. The inflorescence has five flowers. The fruits are red, round, dense, with excellent taste, ripen together, weighing 30-60 grams. The variety bears fruit until December. In December, it is necessary to reduce watering and not feed at all. In the shortest days of the year, tomatoes rest. If flowers appear, then they do not give ovaries. But as soon as the day begins to increase, the short dormant period of tomatoes ends. Watering helps them "wake up" and throw out axillary shoots, on which flowers quickly form, i.e. plants bear fruit until December, then rest until March, and so from year to year.
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- Best prices on the market thanks to own production
- Only original germinating seeds