Foxglove «Dalmatian Mix» / Digitalis mix - biennial bells up to 1.5 m high. Flowers resemble a thimble (3-4 cm in diameter), of various colors. The plant blooms in June, and fades in the first autumn weeks.
Digitalis is used for cutting and in group plantings. In addition, it is a very valuable medicinal plant used for the preparation of heart preparations.
Grows well in moist, moderately fertile soils. You can plant foxglove in an area with any light, but in deep shade the flowers will not be as bright. It reproduces well by self-sowing, so it is enough to simply transplant grown plants. She tolerates a transplant easily and blooms in the second year.
Digitalis is a frost-resistant plant. On hot days in the evening, it is necessary to water, preventing the soil from drying out. Twice a season it is necessary to fertilize with mineral fertilizers.
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- Best prices on the market thanks to own production
- Only original germinating seeds