Insecticide «Super Attack» (Protect Duo) with an adhesive - thanks to 2 active ingredients (thiacloprid 200 g/l and clothianidin at a concentration of 100 g/l) of the latest generation, the "knockdown effect" occurs already in the first 20 minutes after treating plants with the drug , and the protective effect lasts up to 28 days and even in the hot season in combination with the adhesive.
The composition of the active surface substance includes a special complex of ethoxylated alcohols and NPK.
Recommendations for use:
Potatoes, tomatoes: Colorado potato beetle, thrips, cutworms - 4 ml + 10 ml per 10 liters of water per 2 acres.
Spraying during the growing season when pests appear.
World experience in using the drug with similar active ingredients:
Fruit trees: flower beetle, codling moth, leaf roller, mites, scale insects, aphids and others - 4 ml + 10 ml per 10 liters of water for 2-3 acres or 3-5 trees
Nightshade (eggplant), pumpkin (cucumber, zucchini), cabbage and others: flea beetles, shield moths, aphids, cabbage grass, cutworms, moths - 4 ml + 10 ml per 10 liters of water per 2 acres
Spraying during the growing season when pests appear, but no later than 20 days before harvest
The maximum frequency of treatments is 1.
The last treatment before harvesting is no later than 20 days.
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- Best prices on the market thanks to own production
- Only original germinating seeds