Fertilizer «Brexil combi for thujas and conifers» - thuja is a decoration on your site. It is undemanding to growing conditions and is winter-hardy. It lives for more than 100 years and delights more than one generation of people with its shape and evergreen branches. The duration of thuja's beauty depends on proper care.
There is a misconception that evergreens do not require special care, and the owner takes care of them only after they begin to get sick. Late help no longer helps. New branches will never grow in place of dead branches, and the tree loses its decorative effect.
Therefore, the use of long-term Brexil Combi fertilizer, intended for feeding thujas and all types of conifers throughout the year, ensures proper growth and intensive development of plants. The fertilizer is easily absorbed by the plant, acts quickly, providing a noticeable and lasting effect. Restores the green color of the crown and supports plants during periods of drought.
Fertilizer must be used when replanting, which helps the plants to take root better. The ideally selected composition of microelements fully meets the needs of plants.
Dissolve the contents of the package in 10 liters of water and spray the plants with this solution using a sprayer, ensuring uniform coverage, or root nutrition directly into the root zone. Feed the plants in the morning or evening, the interval between feeding is 10-12 days. Can be used with almost all pesticides.
Top dressing: foliar - 20 g per 10 liters of water, 5-10 adult plants.
Chemical composition: trace elements, g/l - B 0.9 Zn-1.1 Fe-6.8 Mn-2.6 Mo-0.2 Cu-0.6.
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- Best prices on the market thanks to own production
- Only original germinating seeds