Taxodium distichum or Swamp Cypress (baldcypress, bald-cypress, bald cypress, swamp cypress) - a deciduous coniferous tree 30-36 m high and a trunk diameter of 0.9-3 m and even up to 5 m. Although it looks like an evergreen conifer, in fact it is a deciduous plant with pleasant soft yellow needles. It grows moderately quickly in a dense pyramidal shape, reaching 2.5 m in height and 1.5 in width during the first 5-8 years. Flat, yellow-green needles grow in two rows along the branches, forming a texture reminiscent of a fern.
In autumn, before falling, the needles acquire a noble bronze-brown color. The bark is reddish-brown. Taxodia love moist soil, even swampy, so they are perfect for planting in gardens with heavy clay soil that retains moisture for a long time after rain.
Despite its moisture-loving nature, the plant tolerates light, short-term drought after rooting. The soil should be moderately acidic and acidic or neutral.
It should be planted in the sun or in partial shade. Well-rooted adult plants, if grown in very wet soils, will eventually form "breathing" (air) roots that look like inverted funnels and protrude above the ground - do not remove them.
A deciduous coniferous tree 30-36 m high and a trunk diameter of 0.9-3 m and even up to 5 m, at a young age with a tapering trunk and a narrow pyramidal crown; with increasing age, the trunk becomes more cylindrical, and the crown - pyramidal or widely spreading.
The bark is dark red-brown, 10-15 cm thick, with longitudinal deep cracks.
The tree's horizontally diverging roots form original outgrowths - pneumatophores, they grow conical or bottle-shaped, rising 1-2 m above the water level or marshy soil, which is extremely unusual for the family.
The leaves are pinnate, linear, with a rounded sharp tip, soft, light green, 16-18 mm long, arranged in two rows (comb-like) and falling off annually in autumn along with shortened shoots.
The cones are about 1.5-4 cm or about 2.5 cm in diameter.
Frost resistance up to - 30 ° C. Can grow in river deltas, lakes and other bodies of water.
Common names include bald cypress, swamp cypress, white cypress, tidewater red cypress, gulf cypress and red cypress.
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- Best prices on the market thanks to own production
- Only original germinating seeds