Indigofera Gerard / Indigofera gerardiana
Deciduous, very flowering shrub, more or less silky pubescent with appressed two-pointed, rarely simple hairs.
The leaf arrangement is alternate. Leaves pinnate, rarely trifoliate or simple; leaflets are mostly opposite, on short petioles, entire, sometimes with small, subulate stipules, fused with the petiole at the base.
Inflorescence - axillary racemes. Butterfly type flowers, pink, purple or white, with very early falling bracts. Calyx campanulate, small, with 5 identical teeth, or longer lower tooth; the corolla is drooping, the sail is rounded or oblong, the wings are oblong, slightly soldered to the boat, the latter has a swelling or spur on one side. Stamens 10, bifraternal; anthers with apical connective; ovary sessile or almost sessile, with many ovules; style short, bent, with capitate stigma.
Legumes are linear-oblong, rarely oblong or almost spherical, rounded or faceted, rarely flat, opening.
Bred by sowing seeds in greenhouses or warm greenhouses in winter or early spring, followed by transplanting seedlings for growing in nurseries, as well as green cuttings in June-July under glass and root cuttings in open boxes in December.
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- Best prices on the market thanks to own production
- Only original germinating seeds