Fertilizer for begonia «Scotts Everris» - begonia is a very popular indoor flower. There are up to a thousand species in the Begoniaceae family. This plant has good flowers, color and leaf shape.
The flower enjoys well-deserved popularity because care at home is not too complicated and consists of watering, creating high air humidity, protection from direct sunlight, proper winter storage and, most importantly, feeding with fertilizers.
If you decide to feed flowers, use special mixtures for begonias that contain all the necessary nutrients in the right proportions. High-quality, multi-component water-soluble mineral fertilizer for begonia «Scotts Everris» is used to feed various types of begonia.
Systematic application of fertilizers ensures proper growth, healthy appearance of plants and repeated flowering. Saves plant energy, which improves immunity, disease resistance and flowering quality.
Dissolve the contents of the package in 3-5 liters of water and spray the plants with this solution using a sprayer, ensuring uniform coverage, or root nutrition directly into the root zone. Plants should be fed in the morning or evening, with an interval between feeding of 10-12 days. Can be used with almost all pesticides.
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- Only original germinating seeds