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Trap «Cotton bollworm»
In stock
Trap «Cotton bollworm»
Model: 15759
237.60 ₴
Trap «Western flower thrips»
In stock
238.80 ₴
Fungicide «Fital» - 20 ml
In stock
56.40 ₴
Fungicide «Topsin-M» - 25 grams
In stock
22.66 ₴
Growth regulator «Pennant» - 30 ml
In stock
65.20 ₴
Insecticide «Anti-mite» - 4 ml (2 ampoules of 2 ml each)
In stock
Fungicide «Fungus for the garden» - 6 ml
In stock
Herbicide «Horizon» - 20 ml
In stock
57.60 ₴
Sulfur smoke checker «Climate» - 300 grams
In stock
Trap «Pea moth»
In stock
Trap «Pea moth»
Model: 15758
237.60 ₴
Trap «Potato tuber moth»
In stock
237.60 ₴
Fungicide «Guard» - 3 ml
In stock
25.74 ₴
Herbicide «Vanguard» - 20 ml
In stock
50.96 ₴
Insecticide «Fufanon» - 6 ml
In stock
22.72 ₴
Seed protectant «Tebuzan Ultra» - 20 ml
In stock
Trap «Heart and dart»
In stock
Trap «Heart and dart»
Model: 15756
237.60 ₴
«Garden rescuer + adhesive» - 3 ml + 11 ml
In stock
Fungicide «Bileton» - 5 grams
In stock
12.47 ₴
Insecticide «Bombardier» - 6 ml
In stock
21.90 ₴
Insecticide «Mikasa» - 10 ml
In stock
22.80 ₴
Insecticide-acaricide «Aktellic» - 7 ml
In stock
Molluscicide «Ulitsid IVF» - 20 grams
In stock
25.28 ₴

Pesticides are substances used to destroy pests and pathogens of plants, as well as various parasites, weeds, pests of grain and grain products, wood, cotton products, wool, leather, ectoparasites of domestic animals, carriers of dangerous human and animal diseases. The concept of pesticides includes: herbicides that destroy weeds; insecticides that destroy insect pests; fungicides that destroy pathogenic fungi; zoocides that destroy harmful warm-blooded animals, etc.

TOP sales
Succinic acid
In stock
Succinic acid
Model: 1625
3.01 ₴
Rooter «Help Rost» - 35 ml
In stock
21.60 ₴
Rooter for seedlings, seeds, seedlings «Agronomist Pro» - 10 grams
In stock
Molluscicide «Ulitsid IVF» - 60 grams
In stock
52.67 ₴
Herbicide «Tivitus» - 2.5 grams
In stock
44.05 ₴
Fungicide «Iodocide» - 25 ml
In stock
18.71 ₴