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Insecticide «Bayraktsid»
In stock
184.00 ₴
Insecticide «Top Stop» - 50 grams
In stock
25.44 ₴
Insecticide «Fiproxan» - 100 grams
In stock
132.48 ₴
Insecticide «Boverin» - 200 grams
In stock
25.32 ₴
Insecticide «Top Stop» - 100 grams
In stock
40.80 ₴
Insecticide «Bitoxibacilin-BTU» - 35 ml
In stock
Insecticide «Sunmite» - 9 grams
In stock
79.80 ₴
Insecticide «Goodwin» - 25 ml
In stock
76.80 ₴
«Grape rescuer» + adhesive - 3 ml + 11 ml
In stock
Insecticide «Coragen» - 1.2 ml
In stock
45.36 ₴
Insecticide «Rancho + acidifier pH corrector» - 2 ml + 10 ml
In stock
Insecticide «Fiproxan» - 10 grams
In stock
19.44 ₴
«Strawberry rescuer» + adhesive - 3 ml + 11 ml
In stock
Glue trap (single adhesive cardboard) 205x125 mm
In stock
Insecticide «Provanto doublet» - 10 ml
In stock
46.08 ₴
«Onion and Garlic Rescuer» + adhesive - 3 ml + 11 ml
In stock
Trap «Diamondback moth»
In stock
Trap «Diamondback moth»
Model: 15764
237.60 ₴
«Cabbage Rescuer» + adhesive - 3 ml + 11 ml
In stock
Seed protectant «Anti-chafer» - 10 ml
In stock
30.12 ₴
Trap «Grapevine moth»
In stock
Trap «Grapevine moth»
Model: 15754
237.60 ₴
Insecticide «Turil» - 10 ml
In stock
27.72 ₴
Insecticide «Marshal» - 7 ml
In stock
15.79 ₴
Various protective measures are used to protect against pests. Some of them simply scare away unwanted guests, and the second – kill. One of the – repellents that can be applied to the skin, plugged into an outlet, splashed, or set on fire. The composition is completely different, on which the result depends.

The main types of insecticides

A species that kills insects is called an insecticide. Such varieties are capable of harming crops and cultivated plants. The products are popular among farmers, owners of small plots of land or private houses. Products are classified according to three criteria: sensitive to organisms, according to the principle of operation and the route of penetration into the body of an insect, and according to chemical composition.

In the first group, the following varieties are distinguished: aficides – are used against aphids, insectoacaricides – against insects and mites, larvicides – kill larvae, ovicides – act on pests in the egg stage, attractants and pheromones – perform the function of a trap, repellent – scare away, sterilizers – oppress the generative function, the afidants – reduce appetite.

Depending on the principle of operation, there are the following types: system action – kill pests in the middle of the plant, toxic effect on parasite-eaters. Second – contact, which function when it enters the body of the parasite. Intestinal act by poisoning when it enters the stomach. Products that produce smoke that enters the respiratory tract – fumigants.

There are also products that affect the nervous system, receptors for the transmission of nerve impulses, oxidative phosphorylation and synthesis of chitin. Depending on the composition, the following categories are distinguished: organochlorine, organophosphorus and pyrethroids. The former kill insects within a week and are considered the oldest product. There are such disadvantages: increased toxicity and unsafety for human health and the environment.

Phosphorus organics are not so toxic and, subject to all standards, act quite effectively and quickly. They include "Fufanon", "Dichlorvos", "Karbofos". The third group affects the nervous system of the parasite and does not harm human health. Representatives: "Fastak", "Decis". There are such general operating features: photostability, with partial modification, the activity of each of the molecules is preserved, the activity is maintained even with a decrease in toxicity. The price depends on the choice of product.

Key features

Any type can be bad for human health or bad for the environment. For industrial processing, FOS and pyrethroids are used. For use and processing in summer cottages, private sectors and for the garden, the first mentioned varieties are put into operation, which are non-toxic for warm-blooded animals.

The second insecticides are more toxic, but quickly dissolve in the environment. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions and follow all safety standards so as not to harm yourself and others. In the worst case, the product may cause intoxication. In this case, you should seek help from doctors.

If the drug gets on exposed skin, rinse quickly with running water. The drug may consist of a single component or be with additives: fragrances or masking the odors of the main component. There are products that are used only by specialists and ordinary people for domestic use. Many buyers use anti-cockroach drugs, which is a problem for both large private houses and apartments.

According to the degree of danger to the human body, four groups are distinguished: especially toxic, with high toxicity, medium hazard and low toxicity. With proper operation, the third and fourth types are used in sanatoriums and medical institutions. Many drugs have such disadvantages: you need to properly prepare the product before use, an unpleasant and persistent odor, a short duration of action – usually no more than two weeks, which makes it worth re-treatment.

Microcapsular varieties do not have such disadvantages. With a good choice, the plant will quickly get rid of pests. The main thing is to follow the basic rules: follow the instructions, processing should take place with fresh products, choose trusted manufacturers, do not use expired products.