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Annual flower seeds

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Cineraria seeds «Sea»
In stock
Cineraria seeds «Sea»
Model: 1356
11.14 ₴
Nasturtium seeds «Chit»
In stock
11.02 ₴
Zinnia seeds «Envy»
In stock
Zinnia seeds «Envy»
Model: 1266
8.66 ₴
Aster seeds «Baroness mix»
In stock
7.92 ₴
Aster seeds «Cameo»
In stock
Aster seeds «Cameo»
Model: 1307
8.70 ₴
Aster seeds «Janina»
In stock
Aster seeds «Janina»
Model: 13079
8.74 ₴
Aster seeds «Karina»
In stock
9.36 ₴
Lobelia seeds «Mrs. Clibran»
In stock
12.38 ₴
Lobelia seeds «Rosamund»
In stock
10.40 ₴
Marigold seeds «Lemon Free»
In stock
10.30 ₴
Zinnia seeds «Cactus-flowered mix»
In stock
9.36 ₴
Aster seeds «Chocolate»
In stock
Aster seeds «Chocolate»
Model: 15842
12.22 ₴
Aster seeds «Electra»
In stock
8.74 ₴
Aster seeds «Rinzi»
In stock
Aster seeds «Rinzi»
Model: 15843
10.06 ₴
Aster seeds «Rosalia»
In stock
Aster seeds «Rosalia»
Model: 5153
10.30 ₴
Cornflower seeds «Royal yellow»
In stock
11.28 ₴
Dahlia seeds «Purple ribbon»
In stock
9.91 ₴
Marigold seeds «Majestic»
In stock
11.14 ₴
Marigold seeds «Mixed Gem»
In stock
9.91 ₴
Zinnia seeds «Old Mexico»
In stock
11.52 ₴
Zinnia seeds «Orange King»
In stock
8.66 ₴
Zinnia seeds «Persian mix»
In stock
9.68 ₴
Amaranth seeds «Paniculate»
In stock
9.58 ₴
Eschscholzia seeds «Orange Queen»
In stock
9.36 ₴

Annuals are popular plants among amateur gardeners that can brighten up any suburban area with their bright blooms. The family of annual flowers includes plants that live one growing season, the ontogeny of which includes maturation, flowering and death. Annuals bloom, replacing each other, from the beginning of summer to the end of autumn. Some flower growers create complex patterns and inscriptions from plants, while the rest create beautiful mono-flowers. Unlike perennial flowers, annuals are very unpretentious in care, therefore they are very popular among beginner gardeners.

Sowing annual flowers from seeds


To create a beautiful flower bed in your summer cottage, you should also take into account the color scheme, height and flowering period of plants. You can plant flowers of the same height, or you can make a flower cascade - sowing seeds in groups in height from lowest to highest.

There are two ways to grow annual plants:

  •     seedlings
  •     without seedlings

The last option involves sowing seeds directly into open ground in late spring. Before sowing, the earth must be loosened, fertilized and thoroughly moistened. Flowering annuals are recommended to be fertilized throughout the growing season.

Varieties of annuals

Depending on the flowering season, annual flowers can be divided into two categories:

  • blooming in spring: seeds for seedlings are sown in boxes in winter, and in early spring the finished seedlings are planted in open ground; spring include: petunia, begonia, daisy and pelargonium annuals; at the end of flowering, the plants are dug up, and new flowers are planted in their place;
  • blooming all summer: it is necessary to sow the seeds in late April or early May in open ground; most summer flowers are suitable for cut for bouquets; summer annuals include: cornflowers, calendula, cosmea, sage, ornamental sunflower, phlox, dahlias, etc.

Ground cover can be planted along the path plants, in the depths of the flower beds - bush and dried flowers, and near the fences and arbors - ampelous and climbing flowers for summer cottages.

You can buy annual flower seeds online on the GARDN website with targeted delivery. The catalog contains a diverse range of annual flower seeds:

  • marigolds;
  • aster;
  • purslane;
  • vervain;
  • nasturtium;
  • begonia, etc.

Wide the choice of high-quality seeds from Ukrainian and foreign manufacturers, as well as an affordable price, will impress any gardener.

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Aster seeds «Princess Simona»
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7.56 ₴
Sunflower dwarf seeds «Baby»
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9.00 ₴
Iberis seeds «Whitish»
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Iberis seeds «Whitish»
Model: 12681
4.94 ₴
Marigold seeds «Champion»
In stock
4.79 ₴
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Garden red orache seeds
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Garden red orache seeds
Model: 12291
22.04 ₴
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9.24 ₴
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8.16 ₴
Nasturtium climbing (mix)
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10.30 ₴
Calendula seeds «Radio»
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8.82 ₴