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Cucumber seeds

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Cucumber seeds «Snake-shaped»
In stock
13.95 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Mix of varieties»
In stock
7.68 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Nizhinsky triumph»
In stock
5.94 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Nijinsky gift»
In stock
5.94 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Moringa» F1
In stock
11.87 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Optimist»
In stock
5.94 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Nizhinsky local»
In stock
5.94 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Finger»
In stock
Cucumber seeds «Finger»
Model: 15777
5.40 ₴
Cucumber seeds «White delicacy»
In stock
5.40 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Cuckoo» F1
In stock
20.16 ₴
Cucumber seeds ««Envy of your neighbor» F1
In stock
Cucumber seeds «Slavko» F1
In stock
8.41 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Phoenix 640»
In stock
7.18 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Isid» F1
In stock
7.18 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Bison» F1
In stock
7.54 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Caesar» F1
In stock
7.42 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Era»
In stock
Cucumber seeds «Era»
Model: 12615
7.30 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Game»
In stock
Cucumber seeds «Game»
Model: 12617
7.33 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Gift of Autumn»
In stock
7.33 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Jackon»  F1
In stock
7.18 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Kid»
In stock
Cucumber seeds «Kid»
Model: 10817
7.33 ₴
Cucumber seeds «King of the garden» F1
In stock
Cucumber seeds «Smak» F1
In stock
9.36 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Snack» F1
In stock
7.33 ₴
Today, every gardener sets aside space for cucumbers in his summer cottage. After all, this is such a versatile vegetable that is usually eaten not only fresh, but also pickled. Therefore, in order to determine which cucumber seeds you need to buy, you first need to understand for what purposes you will use the crop.

Cucumber seeds: types and features

In order to know exactly which variety of cucumber seed is right for you, you first need to determine two key points:
  • what you need vegetables for: you can order seeds from the GARDENSeeds online store for growing cucumbers as salad varieties (their skins are not bitter, so they can be eat fresh), and for salting and canning (vegetables of small size and neat shape);
  • under what conditions will the vegetable grow: cucumbers can be grown not only in the open field in the country, but also under other conditions; On our website there is a large assortment of seeds:
  • bee pollinated – suitable for growing outdoors; for the flowering of this variety of cucumbers, insects are needed that will pollinate the plant; therefore, it is recommended to sow such seeds in a lighted and calm open area;
  • self-pollinating varieties and hybrids ideal for greenhouses; insects are not needed for the growth and ripening of fruits - in one flower of the plant there are both stamens and pistils; therefore, cucumbers produce an ovary as a result of self-pollination occurring inside the flower;
  • parthenocarpic - set on female flowers without pollination; therefore, they are perfect for growing at home (balcony or windowsill);
  • bush - a cucumber variety that does not require a garter; such vegetables grow well on large plots of land (for example, fields); they are resistant to diseases and pests, so taking care of bush varieties of cucumbers does not require much effort and certain knowledge;
  • climbing - gives long shoots that need to be tied up; climbing varieties of cucumbers can decorate the walls and fence of a summer cottage; they also grow well in greenhouses.

Every experienced gardener knows that in order to harvest a good crop of cucumbers, you need to follow a few rules while growing vegetables. The soil in which the plant will grow should warm up well and contain nutritious micro and macro elements.
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Cucumber seeds «Chinese miracle»
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7.32 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Chinese snake»
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7.14 ₴
Cucumber seeds «White delicacy»
In stock
5.40 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Chinese salad»
In stock
7.32 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Chinese farm» F1
In stock
7.28 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Nijinsky gift»
In stock
5.94 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Chinese cold hardy» F1
In stock
Cucumber seeds «Bunch of grapes» F1
In stock
7.18 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Tomasz» F1
In stock
9.35 ₴
Cucumber seeds «Emelya»
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Cucumber seeds «Emelya»
Model: 11555
7.32 ₴