Some pond plants are edible. Moreover, unlike their “earthly” counterparts, they usually do not require complex care. Today we will talk about one of these plants - the water chestnut.
Water nut (lat. Trapa natans) has other names: floating bagel, chilim, water chestnut, devil's nut. Sometimes it is also called horned nut and floating nut. And it’s not surprising, this plant is very unusual. More precisely, its stems, leaves and flowers are quite ordinary, but the fruits are really impressive and awaken the imagination.
The homeland of the chilim nut is southern Eurasia and Africa. Currently, it has a wide habitat: it grows in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Caucasus. However, due to human activity, it is rare in the wild and is listed in the Red Book of some countries.
Water chestnut is an annual plant that prefers to grow in bodies of water with standing water. Can grow quickly. In the distant past, the chilim had to truly survive, so it acquired unusual protection for its offspring: its starchy seed is covered with a hard shell with sharp horns. In addition, this shape of the fruit helps the plant expand its habitat, clinging to animals that come to drink, as well as waterfowl and animals.
The fruit of the water chestnut is an almost black, hard, nut-shaped drupe with 4, rarely 2, horn-like protrusions, at the ends of which there are sharp, easily broken off spines. One plant can produce 10-15 fruits.
The evolutionary trick was a success, and now the chilim is perfectly protected from fish, ducks and other animals. Probably only humans can use its nuts for food.
Chilim fruits remain viable for up to 50 years, but only if they are kept in cool water.
Useful properties of water chestnut
For us, the fruits of rogulnik are a curiosity that is not immediately capable of arousing appetite. But in many other countries, for example, India, Japan, China, it is successfully eaten raw, fried, baked, turned into flour, and also fed to livestock. Centuries ago, chilim was popular among us, but due to uncontrolled collection, the plant began to disappear, and over time, interest in it decreased.
And as it turned out, it was in vain, because the water chestnut seed is tasty and nutritious. It contains proteins, fats, about 50% starch, B vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-9. If you eat about 20 g of nuts per day (in the absence of contraindications), then:
- the gallbladder, liver and intestines will begin to work better;
- immunity will be strengthened;
- the risk of tumors will decrease;
- the condition of the skin, hair and nails will improve;
- stress resistance will increase.
To enjoy the taste and beneficial properties of the plant every year, you can grow it in the country without much hassle. In addition, it will greatly benefit the pond ecosystem because it cleans the water well and provides shelter for fish. And its openwork rosettes of leaves will decorate the pond.
Rogulnik fruits are also used to create unique jewelry and accessories. And its forms inspire artisans and handicraftsmen when creating products from glass, polymer clay, etc.
How to grow a chilim plant
The main thing you need to grow chilim is: a pond in a sunny place 50-200 cm deep with a thick layer of fertile soil. Planting is carried out in the spring, when the ice has melted or when the pond has been cleaned and filled with water, if it was drained for the winter.
If there is no layer of soil in the pond, it is allowed to plant chilims in containers filled with silty substrate, and only then immerse them in water. First, you should place them at a depth of 10-15 cm in a sunny place, and when the plants grow a little, move them to a greater depth.
Water chestnut seeds for planting are sold in our store. Rogulnik can also be propagated by shoots.
Chilim blooms in June-July with small white flowers, which spend most of the time under water, where they self-pollinate. It bears fruit in August-September: the stem of the plant breaks off and the nuts sink to the bottom. At this time it is time to start harvesting.
Some of the nuts can be placed in a container of water and placed in the refrigerator, changing the water regularly to allow for spring planting. If the pond does not freeze to its full depth in winter, you can leave the chilim directly in the water, where it will overwinter naturally. Remaining leaves and stems should be removed before the end of the season before they begin to rot. You can put them in compost.
It is advisable that there are no large mollusks in the reservoir that can eat the leaves of the rogulnik.
The water chestnut will decorate the pond, and its fruits will become an additional source of vitamins for the whole family. It is not difficult to grow. It is also not difficult to find seeds for sowing. This means that you can try to plant this amazing plant next year!
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