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Squash is an unusual and unpretentious vegetable crop, which, however, requires certain skills and knowledge to grow. Unlike their relatives - zucchini, patissons are less watery, so that they retain their rich taste and aroma in ready-made dishes. That is why more and more modern gardeners prefer to grow squash, not zucchini.
Squash seeds: types and features of cultivation
If you plan to grow squash in your summer cottage and harvest a large crop of vegetables, choosing seeds should take into account the quality of the seed.
Our website presents a large assortment of squash seeds of different varieties:
Our website presents a large assortment of squash seeds of different varieties:
- white;
- green;
- orange;
- purple.
In one bag of squash seeds, there can be from 5 to 20 large seeds that look like pumpkin or zucchini seeds. And from one plant you can harvest a fairly large crop - from 10 to 50 fruits.
Growing tips and tricks
An important role in the cultivation of squash is played by the way vegetables are cultivated. Some varieties of squash can be grown through seedlings, while others can be grown by sowing seeds in open ground.
The main factors affecting the cultivation of squash are:
The main factors affecting the cultivation of squash are:
- sowing - use quality seeds with high germination for sowing;
- climate - a temperate or continental climate is suitable for a fertile crop;
- regular top dressing of the soil in the form of fertilizers after sowing seeds or picking seedlings in open ground.
When choosing squash seeds, it is important to take into account the timing of plant ripening (very early, early, medium and late varieties). After all, the time of sowing vegetable crops will depend on this. Sowing squash seeds in open ground begins in mid-April, when the soil has warmed up enough. And if you follow all the recommendations of sowing, as well as with proper care, the plants in your summer cottage will delight not only with their appearance, but also with a rich harvest.