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Of all the crops of this type, the radishes is one of the most popular due to its beneficial qualities and ease of cultivation. Experts identify several more main subspecies of the product. They include three main types. They are like this:
- Radishes seeds. Traditional, primary variety from which all others are descended. Whimsical in terms of watering. It needs to be watered several times a day. Also, do not deprive the lighting. The seeds are predominantly medium in size, relative to others. The most popular variety is the dabel. The main advantage is the size of the root crop. In terms of taste, it does not differ much from analogues.
- Radish seeds. Known for its beneficial properties. Many doctors recommend it for chronic diseases in moderation. Abuse can play in the opposite direction. Refers to biennial plants. The most common and sought after is the common radish. You can also pay attention to the Green, Margelan and Winter. They all differ in taste. The lowest calorie is white. It is recommended for diets and indigestion. The grains are round and large, they should be planted at a depth of no more than two centimeters.
- Turnip seeds. It is an annual herbaceous plant. It is in demand about lazy summer residents. Gives tasty offspring. Pairs well with other foods. She was one of the first vegetables that mankind began to eat. There are known facts that it was fed to slaves in ancient Egypt and Greece. Many people ask the question: how to plant? The procedure is pretty easy. The first step is to focus on the ground. It should be light, peat bogs are best. If there are none, then you can rely on purchased fertilizers that will help normalize the soil, adapting it to the ideal turnip habitat.